If you've read enough of my posts you would know that I am not necessarily a fan of the big media establishments. Call me a nonconformist if you like, but I do have my reasons. My biggest beef with the media titans is the constant use of their position to push their own social and political agendas. Today I have a nice shinny example to show you. Earlier this week the Amazon Kindle DX was revealed to the world and hailed as a revolution in media distribution which could potentially save the dying newspaper and publishing industry. While some newspapers may be excited by the Kindle DX some are clearly not.
On Thursday, May 7th the NY Times Media and Advertising section had as its front page article a story of how the new Kindle DX couldn't clearly pronounce the president's name. "if the Kindle, which not only displays the news but also speaks it with a computerized voice, is ever to be the savior of print media, it needs to bone up on its pronunciation", wrote Time Arango the article's author. The NY Times is certainly not on the level of the NY Post when it comes to bias reporting, but this article could leave readers thinking otherwise. For the NY Times to put a story about the phonetic inabilities of a digital device on their front page seems laughable. However, when you consider the device in question it becomes clear that the NY Times must have a bone to pick with Amazon.
It's not Amazon's fault that the media industry has failed to innovate for so many decades. Neither can you blame them for seeing and acting on a profitable need that must be met. Like most big media companies the NY Times initial reaction to technological innovation in their industry is wary jest. I recommend instead embracing the change and riding it for all it's worth. After all, what do you have to loose that you're not loosing already?
Big Media
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